NOTE D’INTENTION L’Abus de Faiblesse est une qualification pénale. J’en ai fait le titre du film, parce que je le trouve beau, mais aussi qu’il a un autre sens. L’abus de force. Oui Maud a une force de caractère. Paradoxalement, c’est sa faiblesse. Le fait d’être artiste c’est aussi dévoiler aux autres ses propres faiblesses. […]
Entries By flachfilm
13 December 2012
Barack Obama : Great Expectations was picked by realscreen as the ‘Best In Show‘ of our 2012 MIPCOM Picks, and staff at the Paris-based distributor have worked to finalize international sales since presenting the doc in Cannes last month and at Le Rendez-vous de Biarritz in September.
28 August 2012
TIME’s Richard Corliss updates our All-TIME 100 list of the greatest films made since 1923
18 September 2011
Veteran Paris-based producer Jean-François Lepetit of Flach Film Production has come on board as French co-producer of new sex comedy The Anatomist from writer-director Gabriela Tagliavini.
15 September 2011
Une enquête sidérante sur al Quaida
28 July 2011 28/7/11 FESTIVAL DE VENISE 2011 : la sélection Après une édition 2010 inégale, où se rencontraient flamboyantes réussites (Black Swan, Somewhere, Vénus noire), paris réussis (Essential Killing, Potiche, La Dernière piste) et une ribambelle de films au mieux anecdotiques (Happy Few, La Ballade de l’impossible, Road to Nowhere, Santiago 73, Attenberg, Miral et la […]
27 July 2011
King’s Road magazine 28/7/11 “Orizzonti 2011” is the Venice Film Festival 2011 section aboit the exploration of doing cinema in contemporary world, crossing different languages and direction’s attitudes. In the year of Visual Art at the Biennale of Venice, the Festival will introduce and present very particolar films made by directors who work with images […]
16 September 2010
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. EN
15 July 2010
As opposed to "Bluebeard", I would like to deal with this tale, not as a story that two little girls tell each other, but as the story of a little girl who is born into a world she has no clear idea of, and so fabricates a child’s world of her own. What comes before […]
30 March 2010
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