DES ROSES EN HIVERun film de Lorenzo Gabriele– Note de production – La télévision permet aux spectateurs de se distraire mais aussi d’entrer dans la matière des grands débats sociétaux. C’est à ceci que nous réfléchissons en choisissant des sujets qui vont illustrer une politique de développement de fictions qui s’appuient sur une recherche artistique […]
Entries By flachfilm
28 November 2013
16 October 2013
Given my previous relationship with her work, to say that Abuse Of Weakness is Breillat’s best film would be something of a back-handed compliment. Truthfully it’s a maturation of theme and craft for its maker, a director finally settling into her own skin. Here is a woman healed, distinctive and brave. It’s the biggest and best surprise of the festival.
French filmmaker Catherine Breillat knows all kinds of ways to get under people’s skin…
26 September 2013
I spoke with Breillat at the Toronto International Film Festival, where Abuse of Weakness had its world premiere. The film opens with a remarkable, high-angle shot of rumpled bedsheets before panning up to Maud Schoenberg (Isabelle Huppert), who wakes suddenly and grabs her arm.
23 September 2013
VENEZIA 70 FUTURE RELOADED : Watch Catherine Breillat’s contribution at World premiere screening on 28th August 2013 in Venice
French auteur and provocateur Catherine Breillat casts Isabelle Huppert as herself in an autobiographical film that co-stars rapper Kool Shen.
10 September 2013
Huppert is superb at capturing the physical impairment and mental anguish as Maud struggles with speech therapy and rehabilitation.
9 September 2013
Employing a real-life con man invites the wolf in the door, so to speak, in Catherine Breillat’s uneasy-making autobiographical drama.
25 August 2013
Film runs Sun, Oct 6 through Wed, Oct 9.
NYFF51 Official Selection -
21 August 2013
The Film Society of Lincoln Center has announced 35 films that will make up the main slate of the 51st New York Film Festival, including new work from the likes of Catherine Breillat…
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