Why have you made a film about the battle of Dien Bien Phu ? Dien Bien Phu is a defeat. The most important French military defeat overseas since Montcalm lost Quebec in 1759. I have no taste for defeats. I am all too familiar with the feelings of shame, humiliation, bitterness, despair and also cowardly […]
Entries By flachfilm
Director’s declaration of intent. Between cinéma vérité and a luxurious production, between a short film and a big-budget spectacular, retain the urgency and empiricism of one and profit from the budget of the other. Le Brasier has travelled along the razor’s edge. I have found the notes that I wrote following my first day of […]
"I don’t claim to possess the truth. I try to follow my instinct. The narrative and the actors are the elements that interest me the most in the cinema. The form comes later. While I was writing the screenplay with my friend Serge Frydman, we often talked about our admiration for Fitzgerald, his description of […]
Les Noces Barbares is your third film and your third adaptation. What attracted you to Yann Queffelec’s novel ? It deals with evil and the lack of love, a situation that I find difficult to bear. When I come across it, I want to talk about it to bring such things out into the open […]
How did this project come about? Jean-François Lepetit : This may surprise you: Un Parcours algérien was born in Acapulco in the year 2000. Hervé Bourges had been invited by Daniel Toscan du Plantier as part of the Unifrance delegation to an event designed to promote French cinema in Latin America and in which I […]
19 June 2015
I was eager to make Un parcours algérien and I loved making it for three main reasons. Firstly, Algeria has held – and continues to hold – an important place in my personal life. I have always felt – and still feel – a great deal of admiration and respect for the people of Algeria, […]
19 June 2015
For her tenth feature, “Anatomie de l’enfer”, Catherine Breillat has decided to adapt her own novel, “Pornocratie”, published in France by Denoël. Rocco Siffredi is once more working with the director of “Romance” and shares billing with a newcomer in the director’s world, Amira Casar. She plays a suicidal young woman and we witness her […]
26 August 2014
A powerful example of art being used to exorcise personal demons that is anchored by two stunning performances and some of the most gripping moments to be seen in any film so far this year.
30 March 2014
COOL met the wonderful Catherine Breillat to discuss “Abuse of Weakness” during the 51st New York Film Festival.
28 November 2013
DES ROSES EN HIVER (Roses In Winter)un film de Lorenzo Gabriele– Note d’intention du réalisateur – A-t-on le droit de choisir le moment où l’on veut quitter ce monde ? C’est une question d’actualité, mais bien plus que cela, une question intime qui nous interpelle tous et résonne profondément en nous. Un des points de […]
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