C’est la première fois que l’on me propose un rôle aussi dramatique. Je suis un personnage désespéré et alcoolique. Mais j’apparais dans presque tous les films de Gérard Krawczyk. Nous avons une véritable complicité. Il me fait faire des choses incroyables ! Me battre avec Éric Cantona, moi ? Franchement, j’ai eu un peu peur, […]
Entries By flachfilm
19 June 2015
I read An Old Mistress late, just five or six years ago. The novel gripped me immediately. Beyond the fanciful, romantic tone, there was a sense of raw emotional truth, an analysis of passion in all its irrationality and a delectation in its intoxicating dizziness that, instead of fleeing it, made you want to be […]
19 June 2015
"For the audience, the main quality of Emilio Maillé’s documentary resides in the comparison of the idealized memory of that evening with its reality. The surprises begin with the players’ arrival at the stadium… But the best part of the film is contained in the memories of the players and their coach, Michel Hidalgo, reunited […]
Une des scènes les plus marquantes de Romance est la scène du rêve, ou du fantasme, qui montre Marie coupée en deux, d’un côté le sexe, de l’autre les sentiments. Ça résume la condition du personnage de Marie ? Ça résume le personnage de Marie, et pour moi ça résume aussi beaucoup d’autres vies de […]
19 June 2015
« Avec Catherine Breillat, c’est une longue histoire. On s’est rencontrés sur Romance. À l’époque, j’avais fait le casting pour jouer le rôle de Rocco Siffredi que j’airefusé pour les raisons que vous pouvez comprendre. Dix jours plus tard, elle m’a rappelé et m’a proposé le rôle de l’ami de Sagamore Stévenin. Depuis, on est […]
Sylvain Madigan by Claude Chabrol The ridiculous question – an auteur film or not – is no longer asked as soon as the work of a true filmmaker appears. This is the case with Sylvain Madigan and Sale Destin. How could one possibly question the status of the person responsible on discovering this implacable and […]
19 June 2015
The two novel by Tahar Ben Jelloun, L’enfant de Sable and La Nuit Sacrée (Prix Goncourt 1987), contain themes that are a constant in the author’s work: dual identity, the journey of initiation, repressed desire, paternity… Which of those themes motivated your desire to film this adaptation ? The father’s deed fascinated me. I was […]
About ten years ago, when I first read about the life of Isabelle Eberhardt, I was not only fascinated and intrigued by this woman who had such a short and strange life but, at the same time, I felt a sort of affinity with her. In saying that, I’m not trying to find parallels with […]
19 June 2015
Five years have passed since you made Un zoo la nuit. During all this time, were you really working on Léolo? Firstly, I should point out that Léolo was written before Un zoo… I had started to write a novel when I was younger – that I gave up on – on which 70% of […]
19 June 2015
When I first read Mario Soldati’s novel, Il Maestro, I quickly fell in love with the story. It seemed to offer a whole range of possibilities. It allowed me to tackle important and serious themes such as remorse, guilt, confession, betrayal and friendship but to tackle them in a different way compared to my other […]
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