Interview Anais Reboux concernant A MA SOEUR-612
I met Catherine Breillat while she was casting the film. In the end, there were three of us left and Catherine had us read the screenplay in its entirety. Even if I found a few elements of myself in it, the character wasn’t really me. Anaïs is a little girl who doesn’t really want to live because her life is rather sinister. I think that she’s jealous of her sister, even if, deep down, she is more intelligent and more mature than Elena. She clearly understands what is happening to her sister who is fooled by the boy. She is in the position of an observer, which helps her understand more quickly. But she needs to have her life transformed. I think that what happens in the film will, in spite of everything, bring her out of her shell.
During the shoot, everyone was very kind to me. They always tried to be close to me, to reassure me.
It was a wonderful experience, I got on well with the other actors and Roxane and I have become friends. I don’t know if I’ll make other films, I don’t plan to force things. I’m still considering it.
The hardest part for me was the scene when I get slapped. I had to start crying and I couldn’t do it! In the end, I called my mother, who pretended that my little dog had run off. I knew it wasn’t true but I acted as if it was and it worked.