After writing books, launching magazines, nightclubs and restaurants, why make a first film ? You mean "why make my first film at an age when I should be making my last?" Because I am living my life all over the place and I try to do my best with the cards that fate has dealt […]
Monthly Archives
19 June 2015
Was your main desire to direct a film or to tell this particular story ? Both. I wanted to tell this story and make a film of it. A film, therefore, on the story of a sprinter who, at the peak of a remarkable sporting career, gives in to his doubts and, in very particular […]
Jane Eyre, a happy novel, was a success from its very first publication. It also caused a sensation. However, at first sight, the story has the elements typical of the romanticism of the time, complete with literary stereotypes: pity for mistreated childhood, a gloomy orphanage, the misery of loneliness, etc. But there was one totally […]
Le tabou initiatique contre le tabou religieux Le film ne pouvait être qu’un huis clos. Entre quatre murs, on ne peut échapper à l’essentiel. La femme est clouée sur le lit et tout va se révéler. Ce film est comme le théorème de Pythagore sur l’obscénité. La vérité est persécutée par l’obscurantisme religieux. La religion, […]
Comment êtes-vous arrivée sur ce projet ? J’ai toujours apprécié l’univers de Catherine Breillat. Son discours trouve un véritable écho en moi. Elle fait preuve d’une sorte de poésie mythique et mystique qui me touche. Lorsqu’elle m’a donné à lire ce scénario, une phrase m’a particulièrement marquée, mon personnage dit : « Je veux être […]
Following the publication of her first novel, L’homme facile, in 1968, a libertine novel (banned to readers under the age of 18) that caused a sensation through the boldness of its subject and the crudeness of its vocabulary, Catherine Breillat has continued to work as a writer, filmmaker and screenwriter. Between 1968 and 1975, she […]
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