The screenplay for ” A ma sœur ! ” made a very strong impression on me. I read it during a free period at school and I was very unsettled by the story. I walked around school after in a very odd state… I could tell that there was something very interesting to perform in […]
Daily Archives
19 June 2015
19 June 2015
When Catherine Breillat asked me to be in the film, I had just about given up acting. I had seen ” Romance “, which had caused quite a stir in Italy, ” Tapage nocturne ” and ” 36 fillette “. On reading the screenplay for ” A ma sœur ! “, I felt that it […]
I first met Catherine Breillat in Toronto, when we had a long chat. I had seen a number of her films and I liked the way in which she tackled the prickly subject of sexuality without taboos or anxiety. When she called me a few months later, I had just seen ” Romance ” which […]
19 June 2015
I knew the world of Catherine Breillat well and we had already met. When she called me, I immediately gave my agreement before reading the screenplay, without trying to figure out what she had in mind in choosing me for the part. I told her that if she chose me as an actor, she did […]
Between "Abgeschminkt" and your new film, "Bandits", three years have gone by. A fairly long time. That’s true. Since Ewa and I had produced "Abgeschminkt" ourselves, we had to carry out the follow-up work during the following year: festivals, world distribution, etc. That represented a great deal of work for two people. Following that, I […]
The character of Nassera is the very contrary of the parts that we have seen you in until now. What interested you about her ? First of all, I found the screenplay to be very good, very well written. The characters race towards each other. Jallel and Nassera meet, in the middle of the page […]
Where do the subject and characters of "A ma sœur" come from ? For some years, I had had a news item in mind. What had struck me as much as the crime itself was the way in which the press had related it. They were clearly attempting to give it a moral meaning to […]
What made you accept the part of Jallel ? I had heard about the project because Abdel had already been working on it for a while when he offered me the part. I thought that the screenplay was magnificent and I was impressed by the narrative power of his writing. How did you prepare for […]
What was your first contact with the story and the character of Lucie ? I immediately wanted to be part of this story, to be one of the little "fairies" that Jallel would meet on his path. I was touched by the humanity, joy and humour that are given off by the story, the way […]
Raconté sur le ton de l’ironie perverse par un apprenti dragueur repenti, "Confession d’un dragueur" met en scène, à travers la drague et les femmes, la collision de deux mondes : – celui d’un étudiant timide, livresque et passablement lâche, mais destiné à trouver sa place en haut de l’échelle sociale; – et celui d’un […]
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